Thursday, October 24, 2013

S.S.S. study Joseph part 2

Family School at Faith Baptist
S.S.S. Study
Part 2

Joseph's False accuser Genesis 39:13-19   
I believe one of the most aggravating things that can happen to a Christian is that when we do the right thing we still get accused of being in the wrong. Remember though the accusations Christ endured, He was often accused of blasphemy (even though He is God)  (Matthew 9:2-4), breaking the sabbath (Mark 3:2-4), and more. But what does Christ teach on the matter? (Matthew 5:11-12)

Joseph'sTask Genesis 39:21-23
Joseph is again noticed by worldly men to be prospered by God and is given charge over the kings jail, many times if we were thrown in jail we would not be willing to take extra responsibilities much less have a Godly attitude about our circumstance.

Joseph's honesty Genesis 40:1-22
Many times when we are asked questions about Gods word in specific, we tend to try to play the pleasing game, (John 12:42-43), but God (knowing our tendencies) teaches us in (Acts 5:29) what's most important.

Joseph's forgotten years Genesis 40:23-41:1
What do we do when we feel forgotten, misused, and under appreciated? Do we patiently wait on The Lord as (Psalm 37:7,34, Psalm 27:14 Proverbs 20:22) teach us? Or do we try to force things to move forward? (1st Samuel 13:7-14)

Joseph's meeting with a king Genesis 41:1-16, 17-37
Joseph did not add to or take away from Gods interpretation of Pharaohs dream, and in verse 16 Joseph makes sure all the credit goes to God for the interpretations, how often do we rob God of His glory in the things He does for us?

Joseph's Promotion Genesis 41:38-46
Just when we think God may have forgotten us He blesses us beyond compare, Joseph remained faithful, and continued to have a right, and Godly attitude through all his troubled times, notice God rewarded Joseph AFTER Joseph proved himself extensively for years. We as American "Christians" expect the blessings of God without ever living for Him, we believe that if we are "good Christians" for a day we should get a year of blessings, but we must remember God WILL bless us WHEN we faithfully serve Him, even though we don't deserve it. (Romans 5:8, Titus 3:5.)

Memory Verse Galatians 6:14 "But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world."

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